Sooner or later I’m going to have to learn how to use some of the tools at my disposal. I can barely use my computer, I’m not sure I could even thread up my sewing machine, and I’m terrified of the new software I need to master. To reference, graph, and get my shit together.
I’m so mad at tech. How will I learn to love her? Appreciate the good bits. Get playful with leaning new software. Play with the wonderful communicative bits.
Like sharing stuff. That is a cool gift. Access to all the stuff. I need to share some:
Here is an awesome article (with some blue language, look out) from Esquire magazine, about Fred Rogers. The man is a hero. Apparently there is a new movie coming out about Mr Rogers’ life. If I was a diligent blogger I’d go find you a link, but I’m due at a school assembly, and my computer is running slow!
Very good resource here, based around Bruce Perry’s Regulate, Relate, Reason, which is some life changing stuff. Ain’t foolin.
Now here is an article from the Huffington Post, about how we are all checking our smartphones more than we know. It’s becoming apparent to me that the ‘checking behaviour’ is possibly more an indicator of worrisome stuff than just straight ‘time on screen’ measures.
More on that later.
Hey, anyone lucky enough to be near Sydney in September could go hear Stuart Shanker. How about all the S’s in that sentence! Here is a gift from his blog, about defiant children and diagnoses.
Last year, I had cause to spend a lot of time in an ICU. I was the family person in charge of an intense scenario. I am so glad that there are people working to make that scene less weird and terrifying.
Here is a cool 2 minute video intro to Roots of Empathy. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you needa watch it.
I am obsessed with this photo and this bathmat.
The more my iPhone plays music to me and the less I look at it, the better. Singing rules.