Kia Ora friends,
I had a lovely morning with the dedicated and delightful crew of the Champion Centre earlier this week. We buzzed out about the work of The Child Trauma Academy, specifically the gems from last year’s International Symposium on the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics. I wonder which keen Kiwis will attend next time?
Hey: remember how I referred to the existence of Brain Maps but I didn’t really teach about them because I’m not qualified in the appropriate ways? Well, here is some more info about them … perhaps you’re thinking of becoming NMT certified and nek minnit, I dunno, completing your PhD …?
In no particular order, I said I’d share various things … the book I recommended so highly (*don’t just order it, actually read it!!) is The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. Mind Blowing stuff. Here is a link to a lecture he gave … thanks YouTube. Y’all are great.
So great! Here is another YouTube link: this one to a talk by Stuart Ablon – he of the “Kids Do Well if they Can” mantra. Dig this. I reckon this fulla is the business.
And in conversation with Marie, her beautiful daughter and dreamy grandbaby, I referred to the beautiful work that the Brainwave Trust had done in carefully & rationally reviewing all the info about the impact of group care on babies. Check out a short, long, and aural version here.
Such a joy to work with such dedicated, giving professionals. Arohanui x x x