Kia Ora e hoa ma,
Many amazing things for you to read, coming right up.
First, from the World Health Organisation, about the needs of li’l kids. I love how they cut through the dross and tell it like it is! Here is a gift from the folks at New Dream, about being an effective change maker in 2020.
And now … a bunch of tech links. Cos I gotta. The first comes from MIT, the prestigious technology based university. I highlight that source, because you cannot accuse them of being anti tech! And if they are concerned about use of tech in the classroom, we oughta be concerned. From NZ, now, a summary of research that led to some recommendations for classrooms. Thanks, Sensible Screen Use!
(I wrote this piece a few years back: for OHbaby! about school readiness … might have to pitch another one with an emphasis on countering the over-technification of too many of our classrooms!) I would begin by sharing the NEW ACTION KIT from the Children’s Screen Time Action Network.
Outside the classroom: here’s a write up of an initiative to get kids to put down their phones, and here is a link to that initiative (“Look Up”). Kids can function just fine without phones, enjoy this story from the NY Times as evidence!
We do need to be a little more nuanced in our thinking about all this … the Human Screenome Project is one interesting example.
From a speech language perspective, this is for parents about their own tech use, and this is about the need for sharing books with babies … books made of paper, not digital ones.
Children in NZ also need us to pay attention to the fact that so many of them are living in poverty, they need our support in getting outdoors and being a little free range, and let’s not forget the emotional development or the magical glial cells!
Finally, cos I gotta go drive a carload of kids to some swimming sports … I am coveting this. Is that shallow or WHAT?