we are fans of the Olympic games, in this house. It’s one of the only times that our rigid “No TV in the mornings” rule gets bent.
Little Girl and I have had several re-enactments of races, victories, and awards ceremonies. She likes to gaze reverentially at an imaginary flag being raised, and has a warm way of congratulating other imaginary competitors on their good runs.
The weird bit is how she’s turning everything into competition, now. An example, from yesterday, as she’s gathering daisies off the lawn: “Pretend I won the flower-picking competition!” Flower picking as competitive event? Break my heart! Go on!
I’m not a particularly competitive person, so my instinct is to detract from this trait. One beautiful strategy for turning away from rampant competition is to embrace the wonderful world of yoga. I’m on my mat several times a week, and will feel more competent in supporting my kids to enjoy their bodies and their own practice having had the great fortune to attend a day of training with the beautiful Michaela from Yogi Kids. Namaste (now let’s play!)
What else? A flurry of important, informative and slightly depressing links from Australia. First, from the Early Trauma and Grief Network, an excellent PDF about supporting children who have witnessed family violence. I’ve linked to it before, but I’m linking to it again because it worthy: it dispels some myths and is altogether excellent. This is a link to the website of an organisation called Lifespan whose mission is to prevent suicide, and please behold this (important! Slightly depressing!) from the Valuing Children Initiative … it’s about public perception of children.
This is an important li’l piece written by a Scientist … it’s about keeping the ‘A’ in STEAM (instead of narrowly obsessing about STEM).
This is a report from the Pew Charitable Trust, summarising vast amounts of information about the efficacy and awesomeness of Home Visiting (unnecessary captials, I know! But I flippin love home visiting). Kiwi Midwives do some home visits, Plunket do a little (and used to do more) and Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) have just tragically had their funding cut!
A couple of gifts from Scientific American, and then I gotta go be an attentive parent once more. First: Data Visualization and Feelings (I feel that I flippin love this, so what does that look like?) and finally, here is neuroimaging exploring what new thoughts look like as they take shape in the brain.