Kia Ora Friends
The weekend has almost evaporated. I’m trying hard to get a bit of rest in, after a huge day of cooking a thanksgiving feast for our half-American family. The trees and pollen of late springtime are having their way with my respiratory system, and I could use a lie down! Later, I promise.
SO: we had a buzz-out about all sorts of stuff at the Amberley Medical Centre’s forum last week, and – as promised – here is an intro to Temperament research, and here is an assessment scale. More on that later!
Here is a talk by Bruce Perry, thanks be to YouTube, and if you’d like to muck around with the “think of child rearing in terms of what our ancestors did” idea, I recommend “The World Until Yesterday” by Jared Diamond, and “The Continuum Concept”, by Jean Liedloff.
**AND … I”m adding these in later … here are a couple of pieces I’ve written on the concept of Good Enough Parenting. This is from the Newsletter of the Brainwave Trust, and this was written for OHbaby! magazine. ENJOY **
Better go, as I am trying to model healthy screen habits. That’s step one, peeps. A great book on this topic is “The Big Disconnect”, that’s your homework!