hooray! With thanks to the Dora DVD my daughter (boss?) is watching, I am not only able to post this, but I even got to read the latest issue of OHbaby! magazine. I wrote a piece in there. It’s about temperament and I hope you find it helpful.
First up today, friends, is a great link for motivating a bit of advocacy for children, here in NZ. This is the website for Best Start, whose primary mission is about improving the quality of early childhood education. Lord, we’ve been banging on about this for decades and we seem to be doing a backward slide … read this piece about the rise of corporate childcare and see if you agree that a ruckus needs to be raised.
Next, a couple of resources from Zero to Three, about school readiness. First a blog post that will explain why a group whose concern is babies & toddlers should have such insights into what being ready for school really means, and this is a dandy summary of research.
Here is a little something from the Washington Post imploring us to allow more play for our kids (another thing we’ve been banging on about since forever) and just for a little light reading for the weekend,(and cos Dora’s about to sing the song that tells me the episode is over … they did it …) here is a report from Australia about the mental health of their children and adolescents. Arohanui xxx