If I were a cleverer geek I’d be able to insert a nice graphic from Saturday’s ECE Expo. Alas, I am supremely human (ie: flawed as can be!) so I’ll ask you to just tolerate one of the ultra uncool, non-web-wonderful posts that are my default setting.
What a time it’s been. I never reported back on the excellence of a visit to Waiau with the glorious Dr. Jackie and the extraordinary Steph from the Brainwave Trust Aotearoa. What an amazing opportunity to connect with a warm, authentic, courageous group of families. I honour the whole darned lot of yiz.
And this weekend was also an utter treat: Libby and her crew organised a professional and enriching day and I greatly cherished being able to present. The folks in my session were open and engaged and willing … we had some fun, eh?
If you’d like to hear more from Dr. Perry and his profoundly transformative recipe: “Regulate, Relate, Reason”, check out this link, which includes a podcast. Listen while you prep dinner!
And here is a link to the Buddhify app, which is just one of a quadrillion breath/meditation type helpers. I adore it. And give Adriene’s “Yoga Quickies” a try, for if you’ve just got a few minutes and need a reboot. Love her! Amazing!
(*btw two things I should have referenced on the day: the line “set yourself up for greatness” is one of Adriene’s, and the Imaginary Extra Day activity was inspired by a book called “The Gift of Play: Why Adult Women Stop Playing and How to Start Again”, by author Barbara Brannen. )
Also I referred to the awesomeness of Dr. Rick Hanson, you can find more about him here. I enjoy all of his writing, including his weekly newsletters, and I subscribe to his podcast, too. Check out Episode 4 for more of that “noticing that you are already oK” practice. SO YUMMY AND WISE.
In other news, a couple here from Scientific American, first a graphic look at the impact of poverty on the brain (ugh) and this article expands the ideas represented in the first.
Another one from the “What the HECK?” file, this is a piece from Harvard Medical School about the far reaching benefits and implications of supporting breastfeeding. American data, but interesting nonetheless.
This episode of the podcast ‘On Being’ blew my mind, and now I’m going to have to check out more from Anil Dash, because he might be the hope for a generation. The latest episode of On Being has an interview with Bessel Van der Kolk, he of the Body Keeps the Score. Y’know, I keep trying to get everyone to read it! Can’t wait to listen to that one.
Another podcast in my queue, recommended by one of my favourite gals, and from one of my favourite ‘casts! This looks awesome, from Radiolab.
Oh, and did I share this yet? It’s about parenting teens. Love them! Trust them! Cuddle their big bodies whenever they let you!
I haven’t time for much else this morning. But look after yourself, please. And look after your people. And look after our beautiful land that we love as much as we love our people!
Hi Miriam, thanks for your presentation at the NCELG yesterday. I would like to chat with you about possibly running a workshop for our early childhood teachers. Could you please email me to discuss?
Many thanks
Kia Ora Sandy
Thank you … I will be in touch.
x x x