Good evening geeks
I begin by sharing a useful link about car seat use in NZ … rules and such. If you’re anything like me you’ll have a dither that lasts for MONTHS … should little girl still be in the five point harness or are we ready for a booster? Dither! MONTHS! Thanks also to the gentleman from this site, who has alerted me to my vast number of broken links. I blush. And will remedy. Some day.
Other things? Here’s a cautionary tale from the Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood, warning you about the horrors of Hello Barbie. If the predatory nature of toy manufacturers makes you weep, you might enjoy this article about the science of crying.
Please enjoy this hilarious and poignant bit of writing by Kimberley Harrington “Is There a Parenting Expert on this Plane?”. BRILLIANT. I’m currently in LOVE with the website it came from, McSweeneys. And lastly, an article I wrote for OHbaby!, some time ago … it’s about the loveliness (sexiness!) of good dads. Purr!