The most recent issue of OHbaby! magazine has an article I wrote about sharing. (It also had a very timely article about forward-facing vs. rear-facing carseats, which is something that I’ve been thinking about lately. And this was before the Prince George controversy.)
May I also share with you a link to an AMAZING article shared with me by one of my lovely geeky mama pals. This is about outdoor play and makes strong reference to the ‘loose parts’ phenomenon, which has been rattling around early childhood circles for 15 years or more. Although the loose parts might look a bit different in that context. Less fire, more supervision.
Another yummy article about outdoor play is to be found here. Love their point about stairs being more risky than climbing trees (so we should do what … stop kids from living in multi storey homes?).
Unrelated but fab link: a family-friendly podcast is available for download here. Love.
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