Kia Ora lovely friends & geeks,
Here I am with the most recent issue of OHbaby! and i must say I do think it is a particularly good issue and not just cos I wrote one of the articles in there. True story.
Babies rule. Mamas are amazing.
I am lucky enough to be living a life pretty darned close to 100% custom fit, suited to fit me.(I’m afraid that’s making me soft, but that is another story). Truly, it’s awesome. A testament to the power of hard work and little altars.
If you had told my 25 year old self what life would look like in 20 years, I’d be pretty stoked.
So I annoy myself with the tenacity and hypersensitivity of the ol’ inner grizzle. My head is full … full of the next step in the research (so many unknowns! Growth and learning at a painful pace), full of presentations to come (conference for homebased caregivers tomorrow, Playcentre on Monday!) full of domesticity & whānau.
Speaking of whānau, may I share some links?
First up, please enjoy this lovely 2 min clip from the Center for the Developing Child at Harvard University. It’s about the concept of “serve and return“, which is a way of explaining how interactions impact child development . I think about serve and return all the time.
Anyway, this is one for all the mums of teens and fans of mathematics, this is a piece from the Guardian – how to parent less.
Darn it … a crash just lost a good 2/3 of my links! I’ll be back. Please bear with.
Stand by, please caller.