Blessed be the Geeks, for they shall inherit the earth.
Quick linky round up on a Monday
From Zero to Three, a wonderful round up about screen time for young children. Check it out and commence downloadery HERE.
THIS is a link to a magazine I didn’t know about until very recently! It’s called Brain Works and I reckon you might enjoy a wee gander.
A couple of links from Scientific American … THIS is about the ‘orchid child’ explanation for sensitive children … groovester. And HERE is an article about happiness, or about the fact that not everyone is seeking it.
HERE is an excellent piece from a most outstanding website … it’s about Aligning and Investing in Infant and Toddler Programs and it’s from the Center for American Progress. Read!
The Society for Research in Child Development have released a Policy Brief, and you can read about it HERE … its called How Abuse and Neglect Affect Children’s Minds and Bodies.
Finally, with thanks to Rox and Bee and my ladies … the most inspiring anything for ages:
The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea. Isak Dinesen